General aftercare protocol
Tattoo derm wrap or “second skin” is an innovative, medical-grade, transparent, adhesive barrier that protects new tattoos while they are healing. It is latex-free, water resistant and breathable. It is manufactured under quality controlled conditions that have been CE-marked and FDA-registered.
The first week is a crucial time when it comes to healing tattoos. Because it’s breathable and water resistant, this wrap can be left on for this period. It will protect the tattoo from bacteria and debris, and help to prevent infections.
In the first 24 hours, there may be a build up of plasma and ink under the wrap. This is completely normal but means the wrap must be changed once. If the wrap starts leaking, absorb the leaks with paper towel. The fluid will continue to build for about 24 hours so it is best to wait to change it.
The wrap should be left on for a full 7 days after it is changed. Removing the wrap early may result in heavy scabbing, a longer healing time and/or the need for touchups.
You may shower as normal while wearing this wrap, but avoid soaking in water such as baths, pools, or hot tubs. Saunas are also not permitted.
It is very normal to go through a period of feeling extremely itchy. Do not scratch your tattoo. You may use ice to soothe the skin. Broken skin doesn’t regulate temperature well so avoid icing for more than 15 min and use a barrier, such as a cloth, between your skin and the ice.
A “pink line” may form along the very edge of this wrap. This is the wrap pulling you skin in a direction it’s not used to. This often happens along high movement areas such as joints. As soon as you notice this, peel the wrap back a little bit and trim it to avoid a blister.
After the wrap has been kept on for 7 days, it can be removed. I recommend doing this in the shower, as it is easier to pull off with warm water. Gently wash your tattoo with unscented soap. The tattoo should be mostly healed at this point therefore you can moisturize it with an unscented lotion. Lotion your tattoo ~3 times a day for the next month. If there are any scabs, avoid lotion in those areas. Do not pick or scratch scabs as this will pull out the ink.
Saran wrap is not breathable and is not the same thing as derm wrap, do not put saran wrap on your fresh tattoo. Vaseline or petroleum jelly is not breathable either and is not the same thing as lotion, do not use petroleum jelly on your fresh tattoo.
Changing your wrap at home
Jillaine will give you a package with measured out wrap and gloves. In most cases you will need someone to help you. The gloves are for your helper.
24 hours after your tattoo go in the shower, peel the wrap off under the warm water and gently wash with unscented soap. Scented soap can burn and cause damage to your tattoo.
After the shower, dry your tattoo with paper towel. Do not use a regular towel as this may have bacteria and fuzzies. Make sure your tattoo is dry before replacing the wrap as it will not stick to anything wet. Do not apply lotion before reapplying your wrap as it will not stick to lotion.
Fold the wrap back on itself so it is more flat. There is a crack down the middle, peel off the half without the red line first. If the wrap folds in on itself at this point it’s ruined so do your best to keep it flat.
Place the sticky half of the wrap over your tattoo, extending past the edge at least a half inch. Then peel off the other half of the wrap with the red line and tag it down. Peel off the whole outer layer, it will all detach from the red line.
Apply multiple sheets if needed, some overlap is okay as the wrap is still breathable.
Please make every effort to follow this aftercare plan, failure to follow the provided healing protocol can result in damage to your tattoo. In such cases, as well as damage due to chronic sun exposure, you will be charged for touchups. Please contact Jillaine with any questions or concerns. Do not remove the wrap early for any reason without first speaking with Jillaine.